Results from predictions of 2022

Predictions and results

On 2022, I wrote a blog post regarding my predictions for 2022. I am going to write here where I was right and wrong and some comments.

Economy related predictions

I did the following predictions where I was wrong:
  • S&P500 will still be above 15%
  • Bitcoin will be in the range of 50.000-100.000
We saw a drop at SnP up to 20% and the bitcoin price to be at 15500-16000 euro. It is very hard to predict if it will go up or down in the next months or even year but I am pretty sure that this is a very good time to buy and hold.

The predictions where I was right:
  • We will have less investments and less unicorn startups from Europe this year compared to 2021
  • We won't see a crypto doing x1000 this year
  • Dollar will worth much more compared to euro
  • Remote working won't be as popular as it is now. Most people will return at their office
  • Software engineering jobs will be stabilized and the madness of finding someone will be decreased. Salaries will stay the same
  • COVID-19 will be a thing of the past. We may have some new mutations but it won't affect the economies
  • React will still be the most popular js way of doing frontend things but the practice of html over the wire will gain popularity as well
There has been a significant decline in startup investing and a lack of activity in the cryptocurrency market. The value of the dollar has also performed better compared to the euro, possibly due to more effective responses to the pandemic in the United States compared to Europe. The ongoing conflict in Europe may have also contributed to these trends.
Remote work has started to decline again, as some companies demanding a return to in-office work. While the impact of COVID-19 has decreased significantly with new mutations, the lockdowns have led to the emergence of other, less serious illnesses. It is expected that the situation will return to normal in the coming year.
Finally, in the realm of frontend JavaScript frameworks, React remains the most popular choice, but some developers have been impressed with Hotwire and Stimulus and have converted to using these tools. It is likely that this trend will continue in the coming years.

A bit more about the economy

The reopening of economies after the COVID-19 pandemic has not had the desired effect of controlling inflation and stabilizing the production of money. Instead, it has resulted in a bear market in stocks and a decline in the cryptocurrency market.
While it is possible that some may have foreseen this outcome, it appears that many CEOs did not anticipate these developments. As a result, they made extreme hires during the pandemic that ultimately led to extreme layoffs. Despite these layoffs, the overall number of employees at large companies has continued to grow, although it may have grown more quickly due to the pandemic. Consequently, some adjustments in staffing levels have been necessary.

My personal predictions

  • This blog will be at the latest ruby on rails version!
  • I'll be able to solve rubik's cube 3x3x3
  • I'll have one more side-project which will bring some income
  • I'll have finished reading 20 books
So, regarding what I managed to achieve. I updated this blog to the latest ruby on rails version. I am also able to solve rubik's cube easily and consistently in less than 2 minutes.
What I didn't achieved. I don't have a side-project which brings some income. I did some failed attempts which I am going to write them. But the startup I co-founded got a new turn and I will write more about it in a future post as well. I also haven't finished 20 books. I started exactly 20 books but I managed to finish 11 of them. For many and different reasons, I stopped many of them. I'll also write more about these books in another blog post.


I think I wasn't so bad at predicting the future this year. I have already done a new list of things and goals for 2023 and I'll come back writing on them in a new blog post.
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