Predictions 2022

Even though it is almost the end of January 2022, I still gathered a list of things and predictions I think will happen this year just for the fun of it. Let's see and in one year from now, I'll check how far I was.

  • S&P500 will still be above 15%
  • Bitcoin will be in the range of 50.000-100.000
  • React will still be the most popular js way of doing frontend things but the practice of html over the wire will gain popularity as well
  • We won't see a crypto doing x1000 this year
  • Remote working won't be as popular as it is now. Most people will return at their office
  • Software engineering jobs will be stabilized and the madness of finding someone will be decreased. Salaries will stay the same
  • Dollar will worth much more compared to euro
  • We will have less investments and less unicorn startups from Europe this year compared to 2021
  • COVID-19 will be a thing of the past. We may have some new mutations but it won't affect the economies

Some personals:
  • This blog will be at the latest ruby on rails version!
  • I'll be able to solve rubik cube 3x3x3
  • I'll have one more side-project which will bring some income
  • I'll have finished reading 20 books

As always, feel free to send me your thoughts and your predictions.
Max one mail per week.
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