Started keeping a diary

This year I decided to start writing daily and keeping notes. I am keeping daily notes and rate specific factors to see how I feel. The factors I am keeping are my mood, if I feel like I exercised / moved enough and how good or bad I ate. If I had a problem with sleep, I may kept this as well but fortunately I sleep good enough. I also keep small notes on what I think remarkable for the day.

My daily diary is like a small reset. It helps me to keep track on my goals, it gives me awareness of the facts that are happening in my life and I also think better by writing them down. I am not writing every small detail of my life, it only takes 5-10 minutes and I focus on the important things (or what I think it is important).

This also helps me on my next daily todo list and what I am going to focus on. Probably at the end of the year, I am going to crunch the numbers and finally see how was my mood and the other factors I am logging in. So what do you think? Are you keeping track or do something similar?
Max one mail per week.
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